June 03, 2013


So I guess summer is finally here, and not only in the way June is officially considered a summer month, but also in that the weather is nice, even here, in rainy England (I certainly hope I didn't jinx it this time) and I can now play out my daydreams of walking (almost!) everywhere barefoot and spending whole days down by the lake with a book and a sketchpad. You know what else I love about summer? Daisies. They're pretty much everywhere and they're the nicest of all flowers. Forget the tulips or roses or irises - daisies are where it's at! I guess it's just something about them that makes them so, you know, sweet and simple and sincere. So, to fit with the ~daisy appreciation post vibez~, below are some images from tumblr that are so perfect they make me cry and, while we're at it, I thought I'd also throw in at the bottom a photo from the movie Daisies (1966) which is a movie so good it certainly deserves a post of it's own one day. Also the second picture is Drew Barrymore and, oh, she's a goddess.

I love the orange dress so much! Also the skirt in the first picture is so cool, sigh, why are none of my clothes as cool as that? I ordered a daisy patterned dress from eBay the other day and it's yet to come but nevertheless my outfit today (well, yesterday, since it's two in the morning and I still can't sleep) was kinda daisy-ish and nice enough to share:

Excuse the awkward pose, my camera battery was about to die and this was the best photo out of the three or so that I took although I do look slightly like I want to murder you or something. Anyways, all the clothes are vintage, the rings are gifts, the headband was from H&M last year and the necklace is from Accessorize, I think. My mum bought the top last week and decided she didn't want it anymore so she gave it to me, and it's slowly becoming one of my favourite items of clothing - as you can see in the photo below, it has such a cute texture, and it's so nice and soft and basically asdfghjkl~

Also I recently saw this photo by thecoolcustomer (who, by the way, is one of my favourite bloggers) of her sister's new hi-tops from Next Kids and damn, I just really hope they have them in size 5 because look how rad they are:

So yeah, this post basically sums up my love of daisies, and as it's 3 am I should probably try to get some sleep now - I have to be up in four hours! So long~ x


  1. Ahhhh I love daisies too! There are so so many now and I love picking some every morning. Cute post and nice outfit
    Aida x

  2. I love this post, sometimes I want to jump in a field of daisies and wear them in a chain on my head and wear a white dress and be all ethereal and summery, and AW YOU SAID I WAS ONE OF YOU FAVOURITE BLOGGERS YOU CUTIE! And yeah those shoes were available in size 5 I saw them on that rack! xxx

  3. I love daisies, such a beautiful flower. Your flower crown, lovely!

  4. do you happen to know where the orange daisy dress is from i cant find it anywhere?
